Fun Facts

Spotted Hyena

  1. Primarily scavengers, they will kill animals for food and are one of the most lethal animals
  2. They live in large groups or clans and can be as many as 70 individuals
  3. They make the famous laughing sound which depicts fear or submission to senior member of the group


  1. Pumas or the mountain Lion can run upto 80 km/hour and jump as high as 15 feet
  2. Cubs are born with spots and become spotless as they grow. They also start hunting at just 6 months old
  3. They purr, growl, screech instead of roar like other big cats and are hence called small cats

African Elephant

  1. African elephants are the largest land animals on earth and both males and females have tusks which is used for digging, strip bark from trees, fighting etc.
  2. Elephants use infrasound (which cannot be heard by humans) to communicate across distances of upto 5 kms
  3. Elephants never forget and recognise a long lost member of their social group. They hold grudges, show compassion, play and grief over dead ones.


  1. The feathers have crystal-like structures reflecting different wavelengths of light  which results in the bright and fluorescent colours
  2. The Peacocks (male) display their bright feathers during mating season to attract the peahens (female) who mainly choose their mate based on size, colour & quality of the feathers
  3. The special sensors in a peahen’s crest allow her to feel the vibrations which a peacock produces for attention


  1. Stripes for the win: serve as an air conditioner by dispersing 70% of the incoming heat in the harsh African sunlight 
  2. The stripes also help keep the flies away and may protect the Zebras from Lions who are colour blind. A herd of running Zebras could confuse king of the jungle
  3. The Great migration: Zebras cover a distance of over 450 kms between Tanzania and Kenya in search of food and water each year


  1. Roar of a Lion can be heard as far as 8 kms away
  2. Lions are very social, live in prides consisting of females, offsprings and few adult males
  3. Female lions do most of the hunting while males’ duty is to protect the pride and territory  

Snow Leopard

  1. Snow leopards live in extreme cold temperatures and a wide nasal cavity helps heat the freezing air before it reaches the lungs 
  2. The long furry tail helps with balance while moving through difficult terrain, stores fat for lean times and wraps around like a blanket to keep warm
  3. A large muscular chest helps the cat absorb more oxygen & take deep breaths in the high altitudes where oxygen is less 

Giant River Otter

  1. Their velvety, thick brown fur is water repellent
  2. Sociable animals, they live in groups of up to 20. Grooming, hunting, resting & communicating is their daily routine
  3. Found in South America, they are the world’s largest Otters with some as long as 6 feet


  1. This fastest land animal can reach a speed of 0-112 kms in just 3 seconds. This is faster than any sports car accelerates!
  2. Their ‘tear marks from the eyes to the mouth act as sunglasses, reflecting the glare of the sun when they are hunting during the day
  3. They use their tail as a steering which helps them take sharp turns in any direction while in top speed


  1.  In malay, Orangutan means ‘person of the forest’
  2. A mother and baby have the most intense relationship for a non human with the baby staying with her for almost 8 years
  3. These great apes and humans have 97% similar DNA


  1.  Jaguars have the most powerful bite amongst big cats which can pierce through crocodile and crack a sea turtle’s shell
  2.  Spot is the difference: the black spots in the rosette patterns of a Jaguar differentiates it from a Leopard
  3.  These third biggest cats will eat anything: from a giant Caiman to an Anaconda, to Tapir, the largest animal in South America

Vervet Monkey

  1. The male has a distinctive neon blue colour around its genitals which helps him attract females
  2. Scientific studies have proven that they love drinking alcohol especially when mixed with fruit juice
  3. They live almost entire life on trees (prefer acacia habitat) and are omnivores (eat both plants & meat)


  1. Largest wild cats in the world, Tigers are solitary and nocturnal hunters with a vision six times better than humans
  2. Tigers are powerful swimmers and have been known to swim great distances to hunt
  3. The distinctive white spot at the back of their ears is believed to help cubs follow their mother’s instructions

Polar Bear

  1. They have black skin and the fur is hollow with no pigmentation. It reflects visible light, much like snow
  2. Living in Arctic regions under sub zero temperatures; The warmth comes from the 10 cm of blubber under their skin
  3. Their favourite food is seals and they can smell their prey upto a distance of a kilometer


  1. They have no heart, bones or eyes but are made of smooth tentacle arms with tiny, stinging cells
  2. If cut into two peices or injured, they can clone themselves and create new organisms
  3. The mouth is in the center of the body and is used for both eating and discarding waste

Komodo Dragon

  1. The fork shaped tongue helps them detect prey as far as 6 kms away & they can kill large preys like a buffalo & wild boars
  2. A human will find it difficult to outrun a speedy Komodo Dragon
  3. Growing up to 10 feet long, they are venomous, carnivores and also cannibals


  1. They are Africa’s one of the largest antelopes and can reach upto 4.5 feet height and weigh around 272kgs
  2. They follow the rain round the year in search of grassy plains to sustain their numbers
  3. The greatest and largest migration in the world sees over 1.5 million Wildebeest travel from Kenya to Tanzania



  1. They display emotions like grief, compassion for other primates and humans
  2. Gorillas’ DNA matches 98% with human DNA making them one of our closest relatives
  3. Some Gorillas have been observed using simple tools like wooden sticks to measure depth of water bodies

Red Panda

  1. Its unique red and white tail keeps it warm at night and provides balance whilst moving through the forest
  2. When born, Red Pandas’ fur is actually grey
  3. Imagine! this tiny animal can consume around 200,000 bamboo leaves a day
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